Company WHS policy

The PCBU of Labouroo Group Pty Ltd is committed to the protection of the health, safety and welfare of workers and others when in the workplace. In order to implement this policy, a program of activities and procedures will be set up, carried out, modified and / or updated when and where appropriate.

These programs will relate to all aspects of work health and safety including:

  • Workplace Consultation;
  • Work Health and Safety (WHS) information, training and supervision;
  • The risk management process and systems;
  • Roles and responsibilities;
  • Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS);
  • Review of work methods and practice when required;
  • Emergency procedures and drills;
  • Providing WHS equipment, services and facilities, including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE);
  • Workplace inspections and evaluations;
  • Reporting and recording of incidents and injuries;
  • Injury management, rehabilitation, suitable duties and return-to-work;
  • Auditing and monitoring WHS systems, documenting outcomes for all workers to access and give feedback through WHS Committee meetings, HSR, newsletters and other forms of in-house communications; and
  • Reviewing management systems to ensure compliance with current legislative requirements, National Standards, Codes of Practice, Guidance notes etc. Any new or changed WHS requirements are disseminated to all company PCBUs, Supervisors, workers, contractors and suppliers as appropriate.

This policy applies across all departments of Labouroo Group Pty Ltd and across all workplaces under this organisations control, including subcontractors and visitors to the workplace.

PCBUs and Supervisors must:

  • Develop and implement procedures;
  • Investigate reported hazards and injuries and make appropriate corrective action;
  • Make sure equipment is safe and properly maintained
  • Identify hazards, assess risks and eliminate or control risks;
  • Provide and implement emergency procedures;
  • Provide first aid kits, facilities and trained first aid personnel;
  • Make sure work areas are kept safe and free from hazards;
  • Provide the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to all workers;
  • Keep up to date with changes in WHS legislation and standards, update procedures accordingly and provide all workers with updates;
  • Make sure workers compensation insurance is up to date and procedures for prompt rehabilitation is provided to workers;
  • Have a return to work program;
  • Make sure contractors comply with the current statutory safety standards;
  • Provide the training and facilities for the safe handling, storage and transport of plant, equipment and hazardous substances;
  • Provide safety equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) to comply with Australian Standards and make sure it is worn correctly.
  • Consult with workers about WHS matters so workers can contribute to decisions effecting their health, safety and welfare;
  • Keep up-to-date records of all safety issues including injuries and make sure correct procedures are followed and appropriate forms filled out;
  • Review WHS management system and procedures regularly and make appropriate changes.

Workers must:

  • Work in a safe manner to protect their own health and the health and safety of other persons in the workplace;
  • Participate in WHS consultation, procedures, training and wear appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing provided;
  • Cooperate with PCBUs in their efforts to comply with work health and safety requirements by following the safety procedures, using equipment properly, keeping work areas clean and tidy and evacuating when told to do so.
  • Report all hazards, incidents, accidents, near misses, injuries and illness to their supervisor in a timely manner; and
  • Participate in rehabilitation and return to work on suitable duties.

Subcontractors must:

  • Work in a safe manner to protect their own health and safety and the health and safety of others in the workplace;
  • As part of their contract, comply with work health and safety policies, procedures and programs; and
  • Observe directions on health and safety from PCBUs, Supervisors or Health and Safety Representatives (HSR) appointed by Labouroo Group Pty Ltd

Suppliers must:

  • Work in a safe manner to protect their own health and safety and the health and safety of others in the workplace;
  • As part of their contract, comply with work health and safety policies, procedures and programs; and
  • Observe directions on health and safety from PCBUs, Supervisors or Health and Safety Representatives (HSR) appointed by Labouroo Group Pty Ltd

Failure to comply or observe with a direction regarding Work Health and Safety may be considered a breach of the terms of employment or contract and sufficient grounds for termination of employment or the contract.