Internet and email policy
Labouroo Group Pty Ltd has developed this policy to outline the responsible use of the Internet and Electronic Mail (Email) provided by the company for the use by workers. This policy outlines the rules, responsibilities and procedures for Internet and email use, in particular security, privacy, confidentiality and preventing inappropriate material being downloaded or sent that may offend or insult.
This policy applies across the organisation of Labouroo Group Pty Ltd and all workplaces under our control.
- The use of Email and the Internet during company time is to conduct company business only. No personal business is to be conducted using the companies email system. All documents created or results of network activity conducted while doing company business and with the company’s resources remain the property of the company;
- The management of Labouroo Group Pty Ltd reserves the right to monitor, log and/or restrict employee email and Internet access without notice;
- Keep email attachments to a minimum of 1 – 5Mb for efficient delivery;
- Workers are prohibited from accessing, displaying, generating, or storing any material that is sexually explicit, offensive, and discriminatory or contains profanities. Sending emails of a harassing nature or causes offence, embarrassment, or humiliation to persons inside or outside of the company is prohibited;
- The use of the internet for any illegal purpose is strictly prohibited;
- Purchasing via email is to be for goods and services required for the company and must have approval from the Manager;
- Downloading software is prohibited unless approval is given as it may corrupt the operating system;
- Any worker who is aware of any unauthorised or inappropriate use of email or the Internet must contact the Manager; and
- Any worker who does not comply with these rules will be subject to disciplinary action.
- The posting of Company worksite photos, stories and or information on social media is strictly prohibited.
PCBU and Supervisors must:
- Implement and review this policy;
- Inform all workers of this policy;
- Make sure that all workers understand the organisation’s Internet and Email Policy and their roles and responsibilities;
- Implement disciplinary procedures when there is abuse of the internet or email; and
- Monitor Internet and email usage.
Workers must:
- Comply with the rules of this policy;
- Participate in consultation and training that relates to this policy; and
- Inform the officer or supervisor if inappropriate emails are received;