Manual handling policy

Labouroo Group Pty Ltd is committed to preventing any injury or ill health due to poor manual handling practices in the workplace and has developed this policy to create a healthy and safe workplace(s) for all workers, subcontractors and visitors. This policy outlines the rules and responsibilities for hazardous manual tasks. A hazardous manual task, as defined in the WHS Regulations, means a task that requires a person to exert force to lift, lower, push, pull, carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain any person, animal or thing involving one or more of the following:

  • repetitive or sustained force;
  • high or sudden force;
  • repetitive movement;
  • sustained or awkward posture; and/or
  • exposure to vibration.

These factors (known as characteristics of a hazardous manual task) directly stress the body and can lead to injury; this policy applies across the organisation of Labouroo Group Pty Ltd and all workplaces under our control.

  • Assess the hazards of all manual handling task using the Manual Handling Hazard Checklist and take action to eliminate or control the risks;
  • Where hazards cannot be eliminated always use lifting devices / aids to minimise the risk or ask for assistance from other workers;
  • Workers are to notify the PCBU/Supervisor if they believe a task to be hazardous or beyond their capabilities;
  • Follow suggested procedures for eliminating or controlling the risks set out in the Manual Handling Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS); and
  • Workers whose behaviour has placed the safety of themselves or others at risk will be subject to disciplinary procedures.

PCBU/Supervisors must:

  • Implement and review this policy;
  • Consult with workers about this policy;
  • Assess the hazards and risks of manual handling identified including the ergonomic design of work areas, consider the experience, skills and physical abilities of the workers performing the tasks;
  • Provide appropriate lifting devices/aids to control the risks from manual handling tasks;
  • Provide information, training and supervision for workers to allow them to adhere to the rules and have the knowledge and resources to follow the procedures and understand their roles and responsibilities; and
  • Record all injuries arising from manual handling.

Workers’ Must:

  • take reasonable care of the health and safety of themselves and others in the workplace;
  • co-operate with the PCBU/Supervisor in complying with this policy;
  • comply with all lawful instructions, information and training provided in relation to health and safety by the PBCU/Supervisor;
  • comply with risk control measures as instructed and trained;
  • notify PBCU/Supervisor about any matter known to them that affects or might affect the ability to comply with this policy; and
  • Comply with the rules of this policy.