Workplace consultation policy 

Labouroo Group Pty Ltd has developed this policy to create a safe and healthy workplace for workers, Contractors and Visitors. This policy outlines the rules, responsibilities, and procedures for Workplace Consultation. Through consultation workers can contribute to health and safety issues that may affect them and others. This consultation process allows us to become more aware of hazards and Work Health and Safety (WHS) issues experienced by workers, it involves them in addressing potential problems before they escalate and affect our business.

This policy applies across the organisation of Labouroo Group Pty Ltd and all workplaces under our control.

Consultation is required when.

  • identifying hazards and assessing risks arising from WHS matters arising from the work being carried out.
  • making decisions about ways to eliminate and minimise those risks.
  • making decisions about the adequacy of facilities for the welfare of workers.
  • carrying out any other activity prescribed by the Regulations.
  • proposing changes that may affect the health and safety of workers and
  • making decisions about procedures for.
  • consultation – resolving WHS and personal conflict issues.
  • monitoring health of workers.
  • monitoring conditions at the workplace including concerns about the management of the project.
  • providing information or training for workers.

PCBU/Supervisors must:

  • Consult with workers to decide on workplace consultation arrangements and record the agreed outcomes and make sure all workgroups are represented and informed.
  • Consult with workers who carry out work for the business or undertaking who are, or likely to be, directly affected by a WHS matter.
  • Provide resources, information, and training for workers to allow them to understand work health and safety issues so they have the knowledge to make informed decisions. Hazard identification, hazard control and safe work procedures.
  • Hold meetings to consult with workers, Health, and Safety Representatives (HSR) or committee members to enable them to contribute to the decisions that may affect their health, safety, and welfare.
  • Provide enough time to discuss and resolve WHS issues.
  • Address safety issues promptly and
  • Document meetings and safety decisions.

Workers must:

  • Comply with the rules of this policy.
  • Report all incidents, accidents, near misses and hazards to the PCBU/Supervisor.
  • Participate in any consultation and training relating to this policy and
  • Raise any health and safety concerns for discussion at the meetings or with their HSR.