Site environmental policy

Austonia Trades P/L has developed the following policy to create a safe and healthy workplace(s). This policy outlines the rules, responsibilities and procedures for environmental protection.

This policy applies across the organisation of Austonia Trades P/L and across all workplaces/worksites under this organisations control, including contractors/sub-contractors and visitors to the workplace/worksite.

  • Wherever practicable employees at Austonia Trades P/L will reduce the volume of waste generated and reuse and recycle. Whenever possible new products and supplies should be reusable and/or recyclable;
  • Where possible purchase responsibly for example purchase local products to reduce transport emissions and support the local community, be aware of where the product or its raw components have come from – is it causing deforestation, loss of habitat or exploiting workers in another country;
  • Prevent any actions from work activities causing environmental damage by following preventative procedures In the event of an incident/accident follow the emergency procedures, making sure that the appropriate equipment is available for clean up and that a quick response is applied to eliminate or reduce any damage; and
  • Be aware of environmental issues and safeguards, including erosion and sediment control, weed invasion, sensitive/rare and protected flora and fauna, air quality, noise, waste, heritage, and archaeological sites.

HSE Advisors and Supervisors must:

  • Implement and review this policy;
  • Consult with workers about this policy;
  • Provide resources, information, training and supervision for workers to allow them to adhere to the rules and have the knowledge and resources to follow the procedures and understand their roles and responsibilities;
  • Comply with statutory requirements, codes, standards and guidelines;
  • Implement and comply with site Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
  • Make sure all equipment is serviced and not showing visible emissions;
  • Make sure noise and air pollution are monitored and kept to the appropriate levels;
  • Provide areas for chemical storage and hosing down;
  • Make sure all incidents are investigated and if required appropriate disciplinary action carried out; and
  • Undertake site environmental inspections and fill out Site Environmental Checklist, and Waste Management Plan when required.

Workers must:

  • Comply with the rules of this policy and follow procedures;
  • Use, store and dispose of chemicals as per the Safety Data Sheet (SDS);
  • Remove waste from the workplace/worksite and place in designated receptacle/waste area;
  • Reduce the damage to flora and fauna;
  • Make sure correct measures are in place for sediment control;
  • Report any incidents or complaints to the HSE Advisor/supervisor;
  • Wash machinery in designated area;
  • Participate in consultation and training in relation to environmental management; and
  • Advise HSE Advisor or supervisor of any potential breaches of plans or statements, and sightings of rare plants or animals, fauna or archaeological or heritage items.

Responsible Behaviour

  • Dispose of rubbish responsibly, either recycle or place in designated receptacle/area;
  • Prevent chemicals and other foreign material from entering drains, gutters or contaminating ground soil;
  • Wash down plant and equipment in designated area if available, make sure site soil and weed seeds are contained and not spread to another site or allowed to enter drains or gutters.

Failure of Erosion/Sediment Control Device

  • Prevent further escape of sediment;
  • Contain escaped material, using silt fence, hay bales, pipes etc;
  • Notify HSE Advisor or supervisor of incident;
  • Repair or replace failed device as appropriate;
  • Dig/scrape up escaped material. Take care prevent further damage to the site or vegetation and monitor for effectiveness until re-stabilised; and
  • HSE Advisor or supervisor to record incident.

Bank/Slope Failure

  • Stabilise toe of slope to prevent sediment escape by using aggregate bags, silt fence, logs, hay bales, pipes etc;
  • Notify HSE Advisor/supervisor of the incident;
  • Divert water away from failed fence;
  • Protect area from further collapse as appropriate;
  • Restore as advised by HSE Advisor/supervisor; and
  • Monitor for effectiveness until stabilised.


  • Know what types of waste will be generated during excavation, demolition and construction;
  • Check the council development consent and environment protection licence to make sure the waste facility can lawfully accept the waste;
  • Prepare and implement a Waste Management Plan;
  • Regularly update the waste management plan to record how waste is managed and audit where waste is taken;
  • Dispose of chemicals and hazardous substances as directed on the SDS;
  • Keep accurate written records such as:
  • Who transported the waste (company name, ABN, vehicle registration and driver details, date and time of transport, description of waste)
  • Copies of waste dockets/receipts for the waste facility (date and time of delivery, name and address of the facility, its ABN, contact person)

Discovery of Rare or Endangered Species 

  • Stop work;
  • Notify HSE Advisor or supervisor;
  • If a plant is found, mark location of plants. If an animal, mark location where sighted;
  • HSE Advisor/supervisor to identify/arrange identification of species;
  • If confirmed significant, HSE Advisor/supervisor to liaise with relevant local and state government authorities; and
  • Recommence work when cleared by HSE Advisor/supervisor.

Discovery of Archaeological/Heritage Item(s)

  • Stop work;
  • Do not further disturb the area;
  • Notify HSE Advisor/supervisor;
  • HSE Advisor/supervisor to arrange appraisal of specimen;
  • If confirmed significant, HSE Advisor/supervisor to liaise with relevant local and state government authorities; and
  • Recommence work when cleared by HSE Advisor/supervisor.

Exceeding Clean Air or Noise Levels

  • Stop work;
  • Notify HSE Advisor/supervisor;
  • Confirm all plant and equipment has been suitably maintained;
  • Undertake any necessary repairs or maintenance to plant and equipment;
  • Implement additional mitigation measures as set out in the site EMP (if required), such as dust suppression measures;
  • Recommence work when cleared by HSE Advisor/supervisor.